Ork ship miniatures for full thrust, or your favorite space armada tabletop game
3d Model Created by SoulForge Studios and provided via merchant contract, if you own a 3d printer, you may visit them for STL's HERE
Each model is designed to accept a 1/8" acrylic rod, flight stand or magnet (not included)
This is the Ork Ram Escort, designed to go fast and be red
Each pack contains 4x Escorts randomly chosen
3d Model Created by SoulForge Studios and provided via merchant contract, if you own a 3d printer, you may visit them for STL's HERE
Each model is designed to accept a 1/8" acrylic rod, flight stand or magnet (not included)
This is the Ork Ram Escort, designed to go fast and be red
Each pack contains 4x Escorts randomly chosen